


KPM Affaires

A platform focused on accredited business training

A platform focused on accredited business training

Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses
Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses
Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses

Choose your plan and study at your own pace

Choose your plan and study at your own pace

KP Formations d’Affaires has been a respected and well-known training platform in the industry for years. It is primarily dedicated to the real estate sector and its investments, offering training for professionals and experts in this field. Each recorded course, event and live stream are produced in-house, and every training session includes case studies, exercises, and support materials.

Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses 2
Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses 2
Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses 2
Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses 3
Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses 3
Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses 3
Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses 4
Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses 4
Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses 4
Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses 5
Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses 5
Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses 5
Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses 6
Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses 6
Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses 6
Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses 7
Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses 7
Website application: KPM Portfolio by Eugeniuses 7

With this platform, the KP Formations d'Affaires team now has full management capabilities.

With this platform, the KP Formations d'Affaires team now has full management capabilities.

As they experienced exponential growth, the urge to recreate the website from scratch and establish a dynamic and easily accessible platform to better accommodate its users became inevitable. The project started in 2022 and is still ongoing to this date. We believe that a website is a living organism that always needs to be nourished, and this would be no different for a platform as active and alive as KP Formations d’Affaires.

As they experienced exponential growth, the urge to recreate the website from scratch and establish a dynamic and easily accessible platform to better accommodate its users became inevitable. The project started in 2022 and is still ongoing to this date. We believe that a website is a living organism that always needs to be nourished, and this would be no different for a platform as active and alive as KP Formations d’Affaires.

Language & Tools

PHP, Javascript, Typescript

Let's build something great

Let's build something great

Let's build
something great

Let's build something great

Please share your details and project specifics so we can start working together.

Eugeniuses © 2024 - All rights reserved.


Let's build something great

Please share your details and project specifics so we can start working together.

Eugeniuses © 2024 - All rights reserved.


Let's build something great

Please share your details and project specifics so we can start working together.

Eugeniuses © 2024.

All rights reserved.
